vanishing lifestyles attie gerber

"Boxer", yes that's my brand, if I can afford it. In bad times I even smoke tea leaves, but smoke I must." GERT KETEL. (00:30)
"Nobody makes ash bread anymore... but it's cheap. The wood and sand are free, you only need flour and yeast." GERT KETEL. (00:40)
"Mister... feet, I had fast feet when I was young. I was the best with 'askoek slaan'. We used to riel every day." DAMPIE DIRKSE (00:51)
"Today people buy bread at the shop... they don't how to bake bread in the outside oven. The secret is to get the right heat" GRIETJIE DIRKSE (00:37)

Abandoned threshing floor in Namaqualand
Some months I only survive on selling fuel wood, but the Taaibos is getting scarce and farther away from my stockpost. GERT KETEL. (00:00) IN PROGRESS
In good years with plenty grazing, all the stockposts are occupied. In dry years most herders fade away. In any case, young people don't have the guts for this lonely life. GERT JOSEPH. (00:00) IN PROGRESS
You get two types of skerms (shelters), a circular one made of bushes for outside cooking, and then the proper kookskerm (cooking shelter). People at the clinic warned me about all the smoke, but what can I do, and my lungs have seen their best days. GERT KETEL. (00:00) IN PROGRES.
We use to trek after grood grazing in the summer months. We lived in mat houses. On hot days there were enough ventilation through the reeds, and when it rained the reeds expaned and became waterproof. DAMPIE DIRKSE. (00:00) IN PROGRESS
A donkey is the Lord's animal... if you hurt a donkey, you hurt God. Besides that, the Northern Cape were tamed by donkeys and the coloured people. HENDRIK HERSELMAN. (00:00) IN PROGRESS.
To be a shepherd you need to know the bushes of the veld. If you don't, either your stock will die of hunger, or from poisonous shrubs. GRIETJIE DIRKSE (00:00) IN PROGRESS.
My Bible is Dutch Reformed and I am Methodist... but I read it every day. GERT KETEL. (00:00) IN PROGRESS.